Michelle Ahdoot, Director of Programming and Strategy, EndJewHatred

Episode Summary

"My tagline essentially two things. One, it's go time. And two, everybody is an activist. Everybody is an activist in any way you are able to be or choose to be, and which is why we have the on the ground activism. We have the digital activism. You know, we also believe in information activism by by being fed information, like Eitan, information you beautifully put out on social media. And when you express, you know, your monologs that are so priceless and invaluable. And we repost those because right there that just fanning the flame of activism in somebody that might not have been there prior. So everybody can be an activist. I know that it sounds so simplistic, but it's really the truth."

Episode Notes

Michelle Ahdoot is Director of Programming and Strategy at End Jew Hatred, a non-partisan international grassroots civil rights movement that unites ordinary people, activists, and organizations from around the world who support the cause that defines the movement: to end Jew-hatred in our lifetime. Comprised of members from all paths and walks of life, EJH’s mission is embedded in upholding the rights of Jews worldwide through strategic partnerships, mobilization and activism. Before joining EJH, Michelle served as a board member and advisor to Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, helping to create and market the FIDF Women’s Brigade. For the past eight years she has also served as the Master of Ceremonies at FIDF’s Annual North Shore Gala. With a strong belief that parent/teacher/administrator partnerships lie at the core of a strong community’s bedrock, Michelle served as President of Great Neck Public School’s United Parent-Teacher Council and led eight joint committees which enhance student education and quality of life across the district’s ten schools. Michelle holds a B.S. in Finance and Marketing from NYU Stern School of Business.